Monday 21 November 2016

The inquiry diary

Day 1
Today all of us went into LZ3FE to help there class.  When we entered they were doing there news so all of sat down and watched that.  We had to help the little kids remember there manners, Angela and Holly had to tell of some kids for being disrespectful and not listening to the speaker. After news they had free time. part way through the news we set up free time for them.  Then we watched and helped out the teacher with some off task kids.😈 But when time was up we had to say our goodbyes and see them tomorrow.

Day 2
Today we finally split into our regular helping classes.  Angela, Cara & Holly in LZ3FE and Janae & Analiese in LZ3LC.  We will tell you about LZ3FE first.  First we came in when they were doing news we listened to that.  Then Mrs Earwaker handed out worksheets to the kids.  They were learning what to put in the recycling and what to but in the compost they all had very neat coloring in and cutting skills.The two kids from each class were, Mrs Earwakers: Bella,Lochlan and Mrs Committees: Ryan and Kasside.  Now for LZ3LC.  

Day 3
LZ3FE:  When we walked in there was silence apart from a video playing on the screen.  The class was learning about earthquakes and the national shake out.  We watched the video then we practiced the drill.  After the Drill they went onto maths.  Some were doing mathletics and others were doing maths activities.  We had to tell kids off, help kids, help the teacher while we were doing that janae and Analise were helping Mr hardey with the music garden after that they got kids to come and paint tin cans to make in the music garden as bumble bees.We found it so hard choosing what kids would be getting the certificates be cause they had been working so well.So in each class we did double girls and boys.
Mrs Earwakers class four kids were ,Benjamin and also Connor for great independence in maths and Mia and Elizabeth for great independence in maths.Mrs Committees class Harry and Murdo also Kayla and Alyssa.
We are wondering who will get it tomorrow

Day 4 ðŸŒˆðŸŒˆðŸŒˆðŸŒˆðŸ™‚
Today  we helped them to work on their short 'i's and long 'i's the kids focused really well and packed up extra quick they had to be well behaved because Mrs A was in the class.At the end of the day they sang the song that they are singing at the end of year assembly. Analise and Janae  were still working hard on the bumble bees wing they looked so COLORFUL! They are going to look so good and bright.The kids who were well behaved got the special certificate and those people from Mrs Earwakers class are:Keina and Melissa. The fantastic people from Mrs committees class are:

Wednesday 9 November 2016

INQUIRY- Helping the younger kids


Our action for making a difference in our inquiry

What we would like to do is help the teachers out.

We think this would make a difference by improving the kids working and independence in different subjects like with maths,recycling(which we will be teaching ) and also in literacy. 

We think that 1 adult vs 16-30 kids isn't fair.So our inquiry project is to help two classes out.

We are really excited to be able to help LZ3FE and LZ3LC.

We have sent surveys to both teachers so we know whether they want any help So
 we had a great IDEA.  We decided to make  certificates for the kids, there is a girl styled certificate and a boys.  What we plan to do is go into there classes (after we have got the info back from the survey) . We will help the unsupervised kids while the teacher is working with a group of kids.  We will make sure that the kids aren't getting into any trouble or finding the work that they had been set tough.We will NOT tell them the answer but we WILL help them figure it out. 
 Cara, Angela, Holly, Analiese & Janae